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Exhibition 2015

Jerusalem House of Quality Exhibition Hall.

All exhibitions associated with festivals are supported by The Ministry of Immigrant Absorption. The «Jerusalem Rainbow» project was supported by the Jerusalem Municipality, Social and Performing Arts Affairs.

Festival «Masters of Art». Jerusalem House of Quality Exhibition Hall. Catalogue.

1. «Paradise». 29.01.15-04.02.15. Participants: Galina Bleikh, Shlomo Bronshtein, Max Epstein, Lena Fisher, Jen-Shen Gur, Igor Kaplunovich, Tanya Karavan, Tania Kornfeld, Anna Leytman-Palanker, Maria Mihaelov, Mina Minsky, Yuriy Ostrovsky-Golovash, Alexander Pilko, Shmuel (Anatoly) Schelest, Max Shamota, George Stolyarov.

2. «Desert». 20.02.15-26.02.15. Participants: Aleksey Adonin, Galina Bleikh, Max Epstein, Lena Fisher, Nataly Goncharova-Kantor, Iosef Josade, Jenya Kapitsky, Tania Kornfeld, Margarita Levin, Shmuel (Anatoly) Schelest, Marie Selissky, Vladimir Shraga, Kaska Sikora, Chava Tor.

3. «Babylon». 19.03.15-25.03.15. Participants: Anatoly Bara-tynsky, Galina Bleikh, Masha Braginsky, Shlomo Bronstein, Nathan Brusovani (Bar), Alexander Efremov, Max Epstein, Lena Fisher, Bella Grodinsky, Tania Kornfeld, Nataly Kulikova, Anna Leytman-Palanker, Alexander Pilko, Shmuel (Anatoly) Schelest, Max Shamota, Josef Schelest, Zely Smekhov, Pavel Zehnbacht. 

From the Project «Georgian-Israeli Exchange Exhibitions».

4. «Exhibition of the Georgian Artists». 20.04.15-26.04.15. Jerusalem House of Quality Exhibition Hall. Participants: Lia Shvelidze, Mamuka Tsetskhladze. 

5. «Desert. Stones. Cities». 15.10.15-27.10.15. Georgian National Museum, Tbilisi History Museum, Caravanserai Exhibition Hall. Participants: Alexey Dmitriev (Russia), Shmuel (Anatoly) Schelest (Israel), Mamuka Tsetskhladze (Georgia).

6. «Commentaries. Part one: «The Exit from Egypt». 21.10.15-29.10.15. Shmuel (Anatoly) Schelest. David Baazov Museum of History of Jews of Georgia and Georgian-Jewish Relations, Tbilisi, Georgia.

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